Why LifeGenBio? | LifeGenBio
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Who are we?


Advancements in learning have revolutionized ever since the advent of the internet. The digital technology and education industry backed by e-learning platforms, digital learning, and classroom simulations has made the process of providing quality education with great efficiency. With this in mind, LifeGenBio is a life-science focussed EdTech startup that aims to deliver the finest online services to academic learners in the biotechnology and bioinformatics enterprise. The existing dilemma in the life-science learners’ community is the inaccessibility to personalized content and high costs due to the commercialization of online services by large EdTech platforms. The founders at LifeGenBio have experienced these limitations (before the inception of LifeGenBio) and therefore have developed this platform with a personal touch and intent to enhance learning opportunities in diverse biology domains at much lower costs. As a young and growing organization, we seek opportunities to team up with students, faculties, institutes, and establishments across India. Together we can provide a diversified platform to assist the forefront of life sciences.

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