Introduction to Biopython | LifeGenBio
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Introduction to Biopython

  • 365Days
  • 16Steps


Biopython is a set of freely available Python tools for computational molecular biology, including sequence analysis, structure prediction, and phylogenetics. Developed by an international team of bioinformatics experts, Biopython is widely used by researchers, educators, and students around the world to analyze and manipulate biological data. With its intuitive and easy-to-use interface, Biopython enables users to easily access the power of Python for bioinformatics, making it an ideal tool for a wide range of applications, including gene annotation, protein structure prediction, and phylogenetic tree construction. Coursework: - An introduction to Metagenomics & an overview of targeted sequencing - Study of Metagenomics and its types - Prepare targeted sequencing workflow - Quality control and filtering of sequenced reads (FASTQC) - Mapping the features and barcodes files - Alignment with the reference genome (NCBI, UCSC) - Identification of the variants - QC of the variants - Annotation of the variants/Phylogenetic representation of the population.



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Python + Biopython


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