Basics of R Programming | LifeGenBio
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Basics of R Programming

  • 365Days
  • 8Steps


This is an introductory course that provides a comprehensive introduction to the R programming language. This course is designed for individuals with little or no programming experience who are interested in learning R, as well as for those who have some experience with other programming languages and want to expand their skills. The course covers the basics of R syntax, data types, and variables, as well as more advanced topics such as data structures, functions, control flow, and data visualization. Coursework: - Introduction to R - Setting up of R and RStudio - Features of RStudio IDE - Syntax of R - R data types - Vectors - List - Matrix - Data frame - String - Array - Factors - Variables and operators - Decision making statements - Loops - Function - How to read data from file (excel or csv) - Write data into a different file format Data visualization with examples - Bar plot - Line graph - Histogram - Scatterplot - Grid of charts - Saving images to file Throughout the course, students will work with real-world examples and practical exercises to reinforce their understanding of R programming concepts. By the end of the course, students will have a solid foundation in R programming and be able to apply their skills to their own projects and data analysis tasks.



Single Payment
R Basics + Advanced


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